- About Lionsgate
- Lionsgate Movies by Production Status
- List of Lionsgate Movies Released | Coming Soon

About Lionsgate Studios
Lionsgate Studios as a platform-agnostic, pure play content company with a deep portfolio of franchise properties including The Hunger Games, John Wick, and The Twilight Saga, a robust film and television production and distribution business, a leading talent management and production company and an extensive film and television library.
A leading "mini-major" studio with a significant presence in the production and distribution of motion pictures. The company owns Summit Entertainment, CODEBLACK Films, eOne, VOD/multi-platform Lionsgate Premiere, Anchor Bay Films and Lionsgate-Televisa joint venture Pantelion Films, as well as has an alliance with independent company Roadside Attractions.
Lionsgate Movies by Production Status
List of Lionsgate Movies Released | Coming Soon
Lionsgate Studios has 560 movie releases in the completed production status. This means the films have confirmed release dates; they have been released or are coming soon.