First Daughter DVD Cover

First Daughter (2004) movie photo - id 44134

Image copyright (©) 20th Century Studios or related entities. Used for publicity and promotional purposes.

First Daughter (2004) DVD Cover

First Daughter Plot

When Samantha Mackenzie (Katie Holmes), the 18-year-old daughter of the president of the United States, demands that she be allowed to go to college without having to be followed by a fleet of secret service agents (with their suits, sunglasses, ear-pieces and very unhip attitudes), her dad agrees... while actually assigning one of the youngest Secret Service agents to follow her around on campus disguised as a student anyway. The president's plan goes smoothly until the young agent falls in love with this girl he has to spend all day following, and she falls in love with him too, until... she finds out whom he really is. Can their love outlive the deception that gave it fruit?

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