Persons of Interest Movie

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Who's Involved:

Syed Ali, Muhamed Abushhaker, Nabil Ayesh, Khadrah Ali, Alison MacLean, Mateen Butt, Tobias Perse, Daniel Massey, Jackie Kelman

Runtime: 1 hr, 3 m
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

A chronicle that depicts the human cost of the U.S. Justice Department's campaign against Arab or Muslim immigrants during the post-9/11 frenzy to combat terrorism. While few question the need to undertake measures to protect national security, the sweeping detention, arbitrary arrests and confinement (often without any family communication or legal representation), and subsequent deportation and/or ongoing imprisonment make a mockery of fundamental American principles like the presumption of innocence. Using a bare room and mostly static camera, the filmmakers record a series of encounters with a diverse range of detainees and family members and present them seemingly without much need for skill. But in fact, the subtle and creative direction of these individual and ultimately cumulative portraits belies the effortless appearance of the presentation and produces a simultaneous poignancy and disbelieving outrage. You may feel that you already know all about the issues and experiences communicated in Persons of Interest. Think again. The specific details of these disrupted lives speak volumes. Not since the massive internment of another ethnic group during World War II has the United States experienced such a massive assault on basic civil liberties.

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Who stars in Persons of Interest: Cast List

Who's making Persons of Interest: Crew List

A look at the Persons of Interest behind-the-scenes crew and production team.



Jackie Kelman
Daniel Massey

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Production: What we know about Persons of Interest?

Filming Timeline

  1. 2004 - December: The film was set to Completed  status.

Persons of Interest Release Date: When was the film released?

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Persons of Interest was a release in 2004 on Friday, September 3, 2004. There were 5 other movies released on the same date, including Paparazzi, Wicker Park and The Cookout.

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