Nobody Knows Movie

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Who's Involved:

Yûya Yagira, Ryo Kase, Hirokazu Kore-eda, Hirokazu Koreeda, Susumu Terajima, Momoko Shimizu, Hiei Kimura, Yukiko Okamoto, Ayu Kitaura, You, Hanae Kan, Kazumi Kushida, Kenichi Endo, Sei Hiraizumi, Yuichi Kimura

mature thematic elements, and some sexual references
Runtime: 2 hrs, 21 m
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

Four siblings live happily with their mother in a small apartment in Tokyo. The children all have different fathers. They have never been to school. The very existence of three of them has been hidden from the landlord. One day, the mother leaves behind a little money and a note asking her 12-year-old boy to look after his younger siblings. And so begins the children's odyssey, a journey nobody knows. Despite their mother's abandonment, the four children do their best to survive in their own little world, devising and following their own set of rules. But when they have no choice but to engage with the world outside the apartment, the fragile balance that has sustained them collapses. Kore-eda incorporated documentary techniques to makes this film extraordinarily intimate and unaffected. Filmed chronologically over a year, "Nobody Knows" captures the young amateur actors growing as their characters do, highlighting the details of the children's lives, whether the nuances of a manicure, a toy piano, squeaking sandals, a cup of instant noodles, or a box of chocolates, to evoke not only the distinctive world of these particular abandoned children, but the gentleness and beauty of every childhood.

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Who stars in Nobody Knows: Cast List

Who's making Nobody Knows: Crew List

A look at the Nobody Knows behind-the-scenes crew and production team. The film's writer Hirokazu Koreeda last wrote Still Walking.



Hirokazu Koreeda


Hirokazu Kore-eda

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Production: What we know about Nobody Knows?

Filming Timeline

  1. 2004 - December: The film was set to Completed  status.

Nobody Knows Release Date: When was the film released?

Nobody Knows was a release in 2005 on Friday, February 11, 2005. There were 8 other movies released on the same date, including Hitch, Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior and National Lampoon's Blackball.

Nobody Knows DVD & Blu-ray Release Date: When was the film released?

Buy DVD Now

Nobody Knows was released on DVD & Blu-ray on Tuesday, September 13, 2005 .

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