Browse Movies : Development : TBA Month : Rating Not Available : Sci-Fi : A

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1 – 20 of 34 movies


Set in an underground cryogenic facility after a nuclear fallout renders the atmosphere unbreathable, two custodial workers take care of the cryogenically sleeping personnel that are to re-establish society, but they struggle to preserve their own sanity and lives while maintaining the extremely fragile environment of the last livable place on earth.


Described as a mind-bending love story that crosses parallel worlds in the vein of Ghost, Inception and The Matrix.

Alien Rock Band

Story revolves around a garage band from Earth which journeys across the Universe to qualify for a shot at superstardom in an Intergalactic Battle of the Bands.

All Our Wrong Todays

Through a time travel malfunction, a man from a utopian alternate universe winds up marooned in the real (and messy) 2015. He must decide if he wants to establish a life in this new world or head back to the one he came from.

A Topiary

A group of young boys comes across a mysterious box that holds magical powers.


The story centers on a brother and sister who move into their late great-grandfather's home after their father dies. They must use his amulet to rescue their widowed mother from a beast who lures her into an underground world.


Described as a live-action graphic novel influenced by "Blade Runner" and includes martial arts.


Teen Zack Lightman learns that the space invaders-like videogame he's been playing for quite some is actually real, and he is recruited for his talents by an international galactic army to defend Earth.

Age of Rage

Set in a post-apocalyptic society where all the adults have died and a group of teens sets about trying to establish a new society.


Set in "New Manhattan," a city rebuilt by Japanese money, a bike gang leader must rescue his younger brother from his involvement in Akira, a secret government project. While doing so, the biker must battle with anti-government activists, shady politicians and reckless scientists.
Location: CA - British Columbia

Any Person, Living or Dead

Using his homemade time machine, a brilliant reclusive scientist gathers a roundtable of the greatest minds in history (Shakespeare, George Washington, Aristotle, etc.) to solve all of humanity's problems.

Across the Void

After she wakes up alone in a ruined spacecraft in Jupiter orbit, Commander Maryam "May" Knox attempts to survive and return to Earth.

Alien Legion

A intergalactic peace-keeping force takes in species without asking too many questions about their pasts or intentions.


A team of scientists aboard a space station monitoring activity around a black hole receive a transmission showing their deaths at the hands of mysterious aliens.

Altered Carbon

Four hundred years from now mankind is strung out across a region of interstellar space inherited from an ancient civilization discovered on Mars.


Set in the near future, nanotech-enhanced people and ordinary humans are at war with one another.