Browse Movies : Rating Not Available : Spy (Page #2)

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21 – 40 of 79 movies

A Foreign Country

After a brutal murder, a kidnapping and the disappearance of the Chief of MI6, Britain’s top intelligence agents turn to one of their own: disgraced MI6 officer Thomas Kell. Tossed out of the Service only months before, Kell is given one final chance to redeem himself - find the Chief at any cost. The trail leads Kell to France and Tunisia, where he uncovers a shocking secret and a conspiracy that could have unimaginable repercussions for Britain and its allies. Only Kell stands in the way of personal and political catastrophe.

Cold Comfort

An American civilian turned self-taught spy works with the FBI to bring down a Russian intelligence agent on American soil.

Cold Warriors

A retired CIA agent with some unfinished Cold War business. recruits his videogame-obsessed stepson to continue the mission, using his newfangled tech skills.

Jake Ellis

Jon Moore, a former CIA analyst and mercenary spy on the run, is protected only by the mysterious "Jake Ellis," a man seemingly invisible to everyone except Jon, but who has a unique knowledge of tradecraft that Jon desperately.

Metal Gear Solid

Solid Snake, a Special Forces operative, is called out of retirement for one last mission after terrorists threaten a nuclear facility in Alaska. Snake must penetrate their defenses and neutralize the threat.

The Leading Man

The world's biggest movie star, Nick Walter uses his celebrity, access, lifestyle and his films' international location shoots as a cover for his real job, that of an international spy.

Best of Enemies

The story of CIA agent Jack Platt (Cooper) and KGB agent Gennady Vasilenko (Bale), a pair of Cold War spies who developed an unlikely friendship.

Enemies Within

Examines the problems, lack of communication and failure between counterterrorism departments as law enforcement races to stop a terrorist from harming Americans.

Every Other Weekend

A father convinces his son he's an experienced CIA spy but in reality works in the agency’s IT department. When family secrets are spilled during a father-son trip in Paris, the duo find themselves in an actual life-threatening adventure. The family’s grandfather is in actuality a superspy.

Family Bond

About a 16-year-old who, after discovering her mother is missing, meets up with her father, a super spy who didn't realize he had a daughter. The father and daughter embark in a mission to save the mother, stopping a Caribbean crime lord in the process.

Gay Secret Agent

A flamboyantly gay secret agent (Brendan Fraser) has much success in the world of espionage, thanks to his great dancing and style.

Hitler in Los Angeles

Leon Lewis, a Jewish lawyer, leads a spy ring that includes ex-Klansmen and the son of a German general. While law enforcement is busy chasing ineffectual communists, Lewis’ ring stops several outlandish plots to kidnap or kill prominent Hollywood figures like Al Jolson, Charlie Chaplin and Samuel Goldwyn to promote the Nazi cause.

Jett Day

A black ops agent is on a mission to prevent a newly-discovered diamond mine from falling into Russian hands.


A female bounty hunter must trust a man framed for murder so they can recover millions in abandoned mobster money and start a new life together.

Kolymsky Heights

An Oxford Professor receives an envelope containing nothing but two cigarette papers, which begins a chain of events that will change the course of history.


Introduces super spy for hire Malko Linge (played by Michael Fassbender). He is the ultimate agent without an agency.