The Feral Detective Movie

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The Feral Detective movie production status is currently Announced

June 2, 2018 • Intentions to make the movie; early in development

Who's Involved:

Sue Kroll

Release Date:

Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

Phoebe Siegler, a sarcastic and garrulous woman heads to California to try to find her best friend's missing teenage daughter. When a lead brings her to the stark and seedy desert towns just east of Los Angeles, Phoebe is put in contact with Charles Heist, a laconic, strange private eye with an uncanny ability to find those that don't want to be found, who reluctantly agrees to help. She dubs him The Feral Detective. As the unlikely pair traverse the stunning desert and its enclaves and get closer to the missing girl, their lives are placed in increasing jeopardy.

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Who stars in The Feral Detective: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making The Feral Detective: Crew List

A look at the The Feral Detective behind-the-scenes crew and production team.




Sue Kroll

Watch The Feral Detective Trailers & Videos

No trailer available.

Production: What we know about The Feral Detective?

Key Facts

  1. Based on the novel by Jonathan Lethem.

Filming Timeline

  1. 2018 - June: The film was set to Announced  status.

The Feral Detective Release Date: When is the film coming out?

The Feral Detective is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,419 other movies coming out on the same date, including The Rosie Project, Sesame Street and The Woman in the Yard.

Q&A Asked about The Feral Detective

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