21 Jump Street Movie Updates
Total Updates: 73
- mentioned in 'Star Wars' Han Solo Film Axes Directors
- added the US Blu-ray release date of June 26, 2012
- added the US DVD release date of June 26, 2012
- added Extended Trailer to trailers & videos
- added a photo to the gallery
- added a running time of 109 minutes
- set the MPAA rating to R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, drug material, teen drinking and some violence
- changed the production status to Complete
- added posters to the gallery
- added photos to the gallery
- added TV Spot #1 to trailers & videos
- added photos to the gallery
- added the tagline: "The only thing getting blow tonight is their cover."
- added a poster to the gallery
Tue., Jun. 20, 2017
Sat., May. 26, 2012
from Amazon
Fri., Mar. 16, 2012
from Movie Insider
21 Jump Street Extended Trailer
Fri., Mar. 16, 2012
from Yahoo! Movies
21 Jump Street Stills
Thu., Feb. 16, 2012
from emagine-entertainment.com
Emagine Entertainment
Tue., Feb. 14, 2012
from Film|Ratings
Reasons for Movie Ratings
Wed., Feb. 1, 2012
from Movie Insider
The Lebanese Cinema Movie Guide
Fri., Jan. 27, 2012
from Facebook
Sony Pictures
Sat., Jan. 21, 2012
from YouTube
Movieclips Trailers
Thu., Jan. 19, 2012
from Yahoo! Movies
21 Jump Street Stills
Tue., Dec. 20, 2011
from Movie Poster Awards
IMP Awards
Tue., Nov. 22, 2011
from Apple Trailers