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Development : Drama : T Movies - Sort: Most Popular (Page #2)

Amy Renner Amy Renner

Jun. 3, 2020

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Centers on the country's first black police captain in New Orleans in the early 1870s.

Development Drama Period



Jackie Estacado, a Mafia hitman, discovers that he is the heir to the Darkness, an elemental mystical force that allows those who wield it access to an otherworldly dimension and control over the demons who dwell there.

Development Drama Action



After entering the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul to get a marriage license, Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian-born dissident and Washington Post columnist, is killed by a Saudi hit team that is closely connected to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. His body is dismembered. In the aftermath, why it happened and what happened is investigated.

Development Drama




A fable about a girl's narcissitic toy rabbit that gets lost on a family trip and goes on a wild adventure.

Development Drama Adventure



A man is shipwrecked in space for years when one day a rescue crew passes him by. Angered, he channels his energies into seeking revenge and begins scheming.

Development Drama Sci-Fi



The true story is based on the lives of Frank and Isaac Gildea, the only father-son duo to ever play basketball together on a college team.

Development Drama Sports



Set on the Siberian plain, human development is encroaching on the tigers' habitat -- and one tiger turns on the intruders. With townspeople being tracked and hunted with an almost supernatural power, a conservationist game warden must face down the tiger. It is a fight that only one of them can win.

Development Drama Adventure



A divorced sex ed teacher is forced by religious conservatives to teach abstinence. While fighting for the freedom to keep touting the joys of sex, she falls for a born-again soccer coach.

Development Drama



A two-year-old baseball prodigy begins sharing vivid memories of a life he never lived: that of a baseball player in the 1920s and 1930s. Distraught by her son’s uncanny revelations, his mother embarks on a sacred journey of discovery that shakes her Christian faith to the core and changes their lives forever.

Development Drama Adaptation



Peter Chancellor turns in a novel about D.C. power brokers who are blackmailed into altering U.S. policies. When some operatives get hold of the manuscript, they think he has uncovered their actual scheme and they try to hunt the author down.

Development Drama Suspense



Unlikely relationship develops between Joseph Merrick and the young woman assigned to his care at the Fawsley Hall Estate, where he's been invited to experience nature and leisure in the final weeks of his life.

Development Drama Romance

A Brooklyn group called May Mothers meet up to socialize and relish a couple hours away from their babies. The evening takes a tragic turn when Winnie, the single mother of the group, learns that her six-week-old son, Midas, has been abducted from his crib. Over the course of thirteen days, three new moms go to increasingly desperate lengths to find Midas alive. In the process, damaging secrets are revealed, marriages are tested, and friendships are created and destroyed.

Development Drama Thriller



An American girl-next-door moves to England to study at Oxford and falls in love with a fellow student, who happens to be the future King of England. The young man has a red-headed trouble-making brother on one side and a sister on the other.

Development Drama Romance



Twin brothers with opposite personalities are separated at a young age and go on to live drastically different lives. They're eventually reunited and join forces to save the "Rocket Cola" company, despite being in love with the same woman.

Development Drama Romance



A woman spends her entire life as a man so she can study and practice medicine. She becomes a prominent surgeon who spends her groundbreaking career championing the rights of the lower classes and pushing for medical reforms and better sanitary conditions. Her true gender is not discovered until her death in 1865.

Development Drama Period



The story centers on an American economist who becomes the target of professional assassins. When a U.S. intelligence agent investigating his case finds herself discredited, the two end up on the run and uncover a vast multinational conspiracy manipulating the global economy and world events.

Development Drama Action



Ava Lee, a petite young Chinese-Canadian forensic accountant, works for an elderly Hong Kong-based 'Uncle'.

Development Drama Crime



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