The Demolished Man Movie

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Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

Based on the late science-fiction author Alfred Bester's best-selling book of the same name, "The Demolished Man", is about a future society where telepaths are a recognized group of society and often used to detect crimes before they happen. Because of their existence, crime is at an all-time low, and there hasn't been a murder in more than 70 years.

When a wealthy businessman decides to murder his rival, bribing a high-ranking telepath to help him cover his tracks, a telepathic cop is brought in to investigate. Figuring out who committed the crime is easy, proving the businessman's guilt is more problematic and a battle of wits ensues between the two.

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Who stars in The Demolished Man: Cast List

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Who's making The Demolished Man: Crew List

A look at the The Demolished Man behind-the-scenes crew and production team.




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Production: What we know about The Demolished Man?

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The Demolished Man Release Date: When is the film coming out?

The Demolished Man is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,419 other movies coming out on the same date, including The Rosie Project, Shrek 5 and Sesame Street.

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