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Blood on Snow movie production status is currently Development
June 6, 2017 • Story selection and rights acquired; idea being crafted into usable script; financing and casting attachments sought; aiming for 'greenlight'. Tobey Maguire will produce and direct.
Who's Involved:
Plot: What's the story about?
A hitman is asked to kill by his boss the man’s wife. Trouble is, the hitman falls in love with her and things get messy from there.
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Who stars in Blood on Snow: Cast List
No cast available.
Who's making Blood on Snow: Crew List
A look at the Blood on Snow behind-the-scenes crew and production team.
Watch Blood on Snow Trailers & Videos
No trailer available.
Production: What we know about Blood on Snow?
Key Facts
- Tom Johansson/Jo Nesbo's novel which is the first in a two part series.
Filming Timeline
- 2017 - June: The film was set to Development status.
Tobey Maguire will produce and direct.
- 2013 - October: The film was set to Announced status.
Warner Bros. is in negotiations for the film rights to the Jo Nesbo's novel, with Leonardo DiCaprio has come on board to produce and possibly star.
Blood on Snow Release Date: When is the film coming out?
Blood on Snow is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,450 other movies coming out on the same date, including The Rosie Project, The Resurrection of the Christ and The Nightingale.