The Boy Movie Updates
Total Updates: 52
- 1 (current)
- 2
- of 2
- added the US Blu-ray release date of May 10, 2016
- added the US DVD release date of May 10, 2016
- added TV Spot: Rules to trailers & videos
- added TV Spot: Nightmare to trailers & videos
- added a running time of 97 minutes
- added photos to the gallery
- added the tagline: "Every child needs to feel loved."
- added James Russell as James to credits
- added Jett Klyne as actor to credits
- added Jim Norton as Mr. Heelshire to credits
- added Diana Hardcastle as Mrs. Heelshire to credits
- added Ben Robson as actor to credits
- added Rupert Evans as Malcolm to credits
- added horror as a genre
- added IMDb link
- added a poster to the gallery
- added photos to the gallery
- added Clip: Firefighter to trailers & videos
- added Clip: Playmate to trailers & videos
- added a link from
- added a link from
- added Theatrical Trailer to trailers & videos
- changed the production status to Completed
Sun., Mar. 27, 2016
from Amazon
Sat., Jan. 9, 2016
from STX Entertainment
STX Entertainment
Mon., Aug. 24, 2015
from Film|Ratings
Film Ratings
- 1 (current)
- 2
- of 2