Biblionauts Movie

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Who's Involved:

Don Murphy, Susan Montford, Adam Mortimer

Release Date:

Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

The story focuses on two kids who stumble upon a device invented by an eccentric scientist that enables them to be transported into great works of fiction. The kids embark on a series of spectacular adventures only to realize that someone else is changing the outcome of these classic books and thus altering real world history. The kids must locate the reluctant inventor and team with him to stop the villain before he goes too far.

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Who stars in Biblionauts: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making Biblionauts: Crew List

A look at the Biblionauts behind-the-scenes crew and production team.




Susan Montford
Adam Mortimer
Don Murphy

Production Company

Walden Media

Watch Biblionauts Trailers & Videos

No trailer available.

Production: What we know about Biblionauts?

Filming Timeline

Biblionauts Release Date: When is the film coming out?

Biblionauts is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,419 other movies coming out on the same date, including Sesame Street, The Rosie Project and Shrek 5.

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