DVD & Blu-rays Released March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19

160 mins

Zero Dark Thirty R

A U.S. military black ops mission causes ramifications which are felt around the world.
Chris Pratt, Kathryn Bigelow, Mark Boal, Mark Strong, Edgar Ramirez, Nash Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mike Colter
Drama War Thriller
170 mins

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey PG-13

The story centers on Hobbit Bilbo Baggins and the scary adventure he makes with thirteen dwarves.
Andy Serkis, Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Hugo Weaving, Luke Evans, Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage
Drama Adventure Fantasy Prequel 3D Shot-In-3D
91 mins

Bachelorette R

Ten years out of high school, three unhappy single friends come together as bridesmaids at a classmate’s wedding, get drunk, get high, and trash wedding dress while romancing new and old loves and settling old business.
Will Ferrell, Adam McKay, Leslye Headland, Isla Fisher, Kirsten Dunst, James Marsden, Lizzy Caplan, Adam Scott

The Girl PG-13

A Texas woman finds the young daughter of an illegal immigrant who has become separated from her mother. Saddled with a child she doesn't wish to care for, the woman then searches for the child's mother, a quest that takes her south of the border.
Abbie Cornish, Will Patton, Paul Mezey, David Riker, Maritza Santiago Hernandez

Price Check

Pete Cozy has found himself a house in the suburbs and a job in the pricing department of a middling supermarket chain. Pete's job allows him to spend quality time with his wife and young son and, despite the fact that they are drowning in debts, they appear happy. Everything changes when Pete gets a new boss, the beautiful, high powered, fast talking Susan Felders. With Susan's influence, Pete finds himself on the executive track.. Something that both surprises and excites him. The more his salary increases, the more he has to perform at work... and the less time he gets to spend with his family. At the same time, his relationship with his boss begins to cross the line of professional etiquette. Both become enamored with one another -- creating tension in the workplace and in his personal home life.
Josh Pais, Michael Walker, Parker Posey, Eric Mabius, Annie Parisse, Cheyenne Jackson
Drama Comedy


A western businessman (Cary Elwes), his Thai wife and son experience a horrible accident while visiting Bangkok. In the aftermath, they find there is a shadow world between life and death where endless darkness lies.
John Penney, Cary Elwes
120 mins

Rust & Bone R

Story of an unemployed 25-year-old man who falls in love with a killer whale trainer.
Thomas Bidegain, Marion Cotillard, Jacques Audiard, Matthias Schoenaerts, Armand Verdure
Drama Mystery

Tuesday, March 19