Browse Movies : 2005 : Romance

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1 – 20 of 37 movies


Will Smith plays a "date doctor" who claims to be able to find customers their perfect romantic match in three dates or less. Eva Mendes may star as a skeptical reporter who, while investigating Smith's dubious claim, finds herself falling for him. After a chance meeting with Hitch, Sara (Eva Mendes), a gossip reporter for a daily tabloid, finds her professional life and personal life on a collision course. She makes Hitch re-evaluate his game and teaches him that love is not a feeling, it's an action.


Charlotte "Charlie" Honeywell (Jennifer Lopez) is a professional dog walker who has a hard time finding any good men to date, with her social life mostly composed of continually disastrous blind dates. Her dreams seem to come true, however, when she meets Kevin, the perfect guy... until she meets his mother (Jane Fonda), who thinks no girl is good enough for Kevin, and *especialy* not Charlie. With her mother-in-law trying to sabotage the relationship, can Charlie's dream of a perfect wedding and marriage ever happen?

Million Dollar Baby

In the wake of a painful estrangement from his daughter, boxing trainer Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood) has been unwilling to let himself get close to anyone for a very long time—then Maggie Fitzgerald (Hilary Swank) walks into his gym. In a life of constant struggle, Maggie's gotten herself this far on raw talent, unshakable focus and a tremendous force of will. But more than anything, she wants someone to believe in her. The last thing Frankie needs is that kind of responsibility—let alone that kind of risk—but won over by Maggie's sheer determination, he begrudgingly agrees to take her on. In turns exasperating and inspiring each other, the two come to discover that they share a common spirit that transcends the pain and loss of their pasts, and they find in each other a sense of family they lost long ago. Yet, they will both face a battle that will demand more heart and courage than any they've ever known.


Set on a world populated entirely by robots, this is the story of a young genius, Rodney (Ewan McGregor), who wants to make robots capable of making the world a better place, but he finds his dream challenged by a corporate tyrant and a master inventor, Big Weld (Mel Brooks), while also being seduced by a sexy corporate robot, Cappy (Halle Berry).

Brokeback Mountain

Set against the sweeping vistas of Wyoming and Texas, the film tells the story of two young men—a ranch-hand and a rodeo cowboy—who meet in the summer of 1963, and unexpectedly forge a lifelong connection, one whose complications, joys, and tragedies provide a testament to the endurance and power of love. Early one morning in Signal, Wyoming, Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal) meet while lining up for employment with local rancher Joe Aguirre (Randy Quaid). The world which Ennis and Jack have been born into is at once changing rapidly and yet scarcely evolving. Both young men seem certain of their set places in the heartland—obtaining steady work, marrying, and raising a family—and yet hunger for something beyond what they can articulate. When Aguirre dispatches them to work as sheepherders up on the majestic Brokeback Mountain, they gravitate towards camaraderie and then a deeper intimacy.

At summer's end, the two must come down from Brokeback and part ways. Remaining in Wyoming, Ennis weds his sweetheart Alma (Michelle Williams), with whom he will have two daughters as he ekes out a living. Jack, in Texas, catches the eye of rodeo queen Lureen Newsome (Anne Hathaway). Their courtship and marriage result in a son, as well as jobs in her father's business. Four years pass. One day, Alma brings Ennis a postcard from Jack, who is en route to visit Wyoming. Ennis waits expectantly for his friend, and when Jack at last arrives, in just one moment it is clear that the passage of time has only strengthened the men's attachment. In the years that follow, Ennis and Jack struggle to keep their secret bond alive. They meet up several times annually. Even when they are apart, they face the eternal questions of fidelity, commitment, and trust. Ultimately, the one constant in their lives is a force of nature—love.

The Perfect Man

In "The Perfect Man", teenager Holly Hamilton (Hilary Duff) is tired of moving every time her single mom Jean (Heather Locklear) has another personal meltdown involving yet another second-rate guy. To distract her mother from her latest bad choice, Holly conceives the perfect plan for the perfect imaginary secret admirer who will romance Jean and boost her shaky self-esteem. When the virtual relationship takes off, Holly finds herself having to produce the suitor, borrowing her friend's charming and handsome Uncle Ben (Chris Noth) as the face behind the e-mails, notes and gifts. Holly must resort to increasingly desperate measures to keep the ruse alive and protect her mom's newfound happiness. . . almost missing the real perfect man when he does come along.

Wedding Crashers

In the outrageous comedy," Wedding Crashers", divorce mediators John Beckwith (Owen Wilson) and Jeremy Grey (Vince Vaughn) are business partners and life-long friends who share one truly unique springtime hobby…crashing weddings! Whatever the ethnicity of the wedding party – Jewish, Italian, Irish, Chinese, Hindu – the charismatic and charming duo always have clever back stories for inquisitive guests and inevitably become the hit of every reception, where they strictly adhere to their proven "rules of wedding crashing" to meet and pick up women aroused by the very thought of marriage.

At the tail end of another successful season of toasting brides and grooms, Jeremy learns that the daughter of Treasury Secretary William Cleary (Christopher Walken) and his wife Kathleen (Jane Seymour) is getting married in what is sure to be the Washington, D. C. social event of the year. After infiltrating the lavish affair, John and Jeremy quickly set their sights on bridesmaids Claire (Rachel McAdams) and Gloria (Isla Fisher) Cleary.

With the lavish reception in full swing, Jeremy works his game plan to perfection in seducing Gloria, but John's flirtatious banter with Claire is unexpectedly impeded by her pompous, Ivy League boyfriend Sack (Bradley Cooper). Having uncharacteristically fallen hard and fast for Claire, John convinces a resistant Jeremy to bend the crashing rules and accept an invitation to an extended weekend party at the Cleary family compound.

Once at the palatial waterfront estate, John and Jeremy endure a multitude of comical mishaps at the hands of the hysterically dysfunctional members of the Cleary family, but also learn a few unexpected lessons about love and relationships.

Dirty Love

Sometimes a girl has to get a little down and dirty before she can find pure love. In the slapstick comedy, "Dirty Love", Jenny McCarthy is gorgeous, goofy, and gross all at once in this hilarious take on one woman's chaotic quest for true love. It's a knowing, funny, trashy, guilty pleasure, in the spirit of "Porky's" and "National Lampoon", only this time, it's through the eyes of one of America's covergirl: Jenny McCarthy.

Blonde bombshell Rebecca (Jenny McCarthy) thinks she is walking on sunshine in the arms of her super hot model boyfriend, Richard (Victor Webster). But one night she comes home from a long day at work and finds Richard engaged in sexual acrobatics with another woman in their bed.

Rebecca's struggle to understand how a good love could turn so bad begins hilariously and appropriately on the Hollywood Walk of Fame when she falls flat on her face among the hookers and the bums. She gets not so helpful words of wisdom from a pushy psychic (Kathy Griffin) who tells her that true love will NOT ride in on a virile white stallion but rather a white pony. Rebecca is bummed out. The psychic tells her that first she has a lot of difficult lessons to learn about the meaning of pure love.

Throughout her series of funny lessons on love, Rebecca finds support from her posse of off- beat friends. Michelle (Carmen Electra), a wanna-be-black girl, breaks the mold as a hip-hop hair-waxing beautician. Carrie (Kam Haskin), a ditsy sexy actress, struggles to navigate around the casting couch. John (Eddie Kaye Thomas), the nicest guy Rebecca knows, harbors secret feelings for Rebecca.

With the help of her friends, Rebecca flails and fails while looking for another man in hopes of making Richard jealous. Their crazy matchmaking schemes backfire. Rebecca travels a strange and wild trip of funny sexual encounters that includes putting basses in asses and pulling hanker-chiefs out. Discouraged by the series of losers she meets, Rebecca swears off finding true love and settles for good old cheap meaningless sex.

Meanwhile John musters up the courage and professes his love to Rebecca. However, afraid and unsure, Rebecca foolishly finds excuses for why it can't work. A wounded John retreats into the lonely night and wanders the city streets. Now, it's Rebecca's turn to do the chasing. In a send up of the Cinderella story, John loses his shoe and Rebecca retrieves it. To her surprise she finds her white pony in the form of his white Pony brand tennis shoe. Remembering what the psychic told her, she sees the meaning of the shoe and declares her love to John.

Saving Face

A romantic comedy-of-manners where the single mother of a young Chinese-American woman arrives on her doorstep unannounced... and pregnant.

The Legend of Zorro

With a family to consider, the courageous Zorro must now weigh the consequences of his secretive, crime-fighting, swashbuckling life: he has become estranged from both his wife, Elena, and child, Joaquin. His son, only knowing that 'papa is away on business' has a difficult time dealing with his father's absence. And his adventure-loving wife must maintain a level of normalcy for the trio's home-life, much to her frustration. However, while Zorro tries to pull himself away from dangerous crusading, his heart speaks to him of a great darkness, and he prays for the courage and strength to, once again, put on the mask—realizing that there is a major threat brewing in California. However, his family falls into peril as he fights the dark forces, and thus, Zorro, is once again called to save the day against a new nemesis.

Just Like Heaven

When David (Mark Ruffalo) sublet his quaint San Francisco apartment, the last thing he expected—or wanted—was a roommate. He had only begun to make a complete mess of the place when a pretty young woman named Elizabeth (Reese Witherspoon) suddenly shows up, adamantly insisting the apartment is hers. David assumes there's been a giant misunderstanding…until Elizabeth disappears as mysteriously as she appeared. Changing the locks does nothing to deter Elizabeth, who begins to appear and disappear at will—mostly to rebuke David for his personal living habits in her apartment. Convinced that she is a ghost, David tries to help Elizabeth cross over to the "other side." But while Elizabeth has discovered she does have a distinctly ethereal quality—she can walk through walls—she is equally convinced that she is somehow still alive and isn't crossing over anywhere. As Elizabeth and David search for the truth about who Elizabeth is and how she came to be in her present state, their relationship deepens into love. Unfortunately, they have very little time before their prospects for a future together permanently fade away.

Kingdom of Heaven

Set during the 12th century in the holy city of Jerusalem, a young Muslim peasant and blacksmith, Salaq Ul-Hul (Orlando Bloom), becomes a knight so that he may help repel the Crusaders who took control of the city in 1099. Meanwhile, the young knight also falls in love with the city's beautiful princess...

Little Manhattan

New York City is the most romantic place in the world – even if you're only 10 years old and falling in love for the first time. That's what young Gabe discovers as he pursues the object of his affections, his classmate Rosemary, in "Little Manhattan". The romantic comedy is about life, love and the Big Apple, as seen through the eyes of a fifth-grader.


"Prime" is a sophisticated, character comedy set in New York City about Rafi (Uma Thurman), a recently divorced 37-year-old career woman from Manhattan, and what happens when Dave (Bryan Greenberg), a talented 23-year-old painter from Brooklyn, falls in love with her.

"Prime" looks at love from everyone's point of view—friends, relatives and in this case, Rafi's therapist (Meryl Streep)—and follows all who come apart, and some who pull it together, when two people fall in love.


Based on Jonathan Larson's award-winning Broadway musical, "Rent" chronicles a group of New York village artists struggling with identity and artistic integrity in an HIV-positive world. Roommates Roger and Mark, a songwriter-recovering addict and a guerrilla filmmaker, respectively, must find a way to pay their former roommate-turned-landlord when he decides to reneg on his promise to provide them rent-free living.


A young drifter enters strangers' houses - and lives - while owners are away. He spends a night or a day squatting in, repaying their unwitting hospitality by doing laundry or small repairs. His life changes when he runs into a beautiful woman in an affluent mansion who is ready to escape her unhappy, abusive marriage.