IQ 83 Movie

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Who's Involved:

David Frankel

Release Date:

Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

An experimental virus made from modified DNA that effects intelligence escapes into the world's population and results in people losing IQ points. Civilization begins to rapidly break down as people start losing their skills; for example, airplane pilots take off but just a few hours later can't remember how to land their planes. The inventor of the virus is trying desperately to remain quarantined and find a cure but soon he is also exposed. Can he discover a cure before he forgets all there is to know about how he created it?

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Who stars in IQ 83: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making IQ 83: Crew List

A look at the IQ 83 behind-the-scenes crew and production team. The film's director David Frankel last directed Jerry and Marge Go Large and Collateral Beauty.


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Production: What we know about IQ 83?

Filming Timeline

IQ 83 Release Date: When is the film coming out?

IQ 83 is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,422 other movies coming out on the same date, including Shrek 5, The Rosie Project and Mean Moms.

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