Almythea Movie

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Almythea movie production status is currently Development

June 9, 2020 • Story selection and rights acquired; idea being crafted into usable script; financing and casting attachments sought; aiming for 'greenlight'

Who's Involved:

Steven A. Finly, Bruce Logan, James Ganiere

Release Date:

Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

The inhabitants of Almytheans are forced to act as slaves and must mine rare refractive crystals for the malevolent Lost One. The Almytheans are comprised of both humanoid and non-humanoid species, many having been brought to Almythea by the Lost One's reptilian, thug-like armies of Latchers. They live simple, oppressed lives as most have had their memories wiped before commencing their enslaved existence. However, they still possess an abiding belief that their prophesized savior, known as The Astra, will one day rescue them. Banished from the community for a crime he did not commit, as Little Hawk approaches his twenty-first birthday a mysterious shaman warrior, Grey Paw, rescues him from depression, self-doubt and the deadly addictive bittercups in the Badlands before preparing him for a secret tournament.

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Who stars in Almythea: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making Almythea: Crew List

A look at the Almythea behind-the-scenes crew and production team.


Bruce Logan


Steven A. Finly


James Ganiere

Watch Almythea Trailers & Videos

No trailer available.

Production: What we know about Almythea?

Key Facts

  1. To be based on the series of novels whose titles include "Almythea – Rise of Wingtar" and "Almythea – The Battle for Our Souls" by writer and creator A.J. Cootes.

Filming Timeline

  1. 2020 - June: The film was set to Development  status.

Almythea Release Date: When is the film coming out?

Almythea is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,418 other movies coming out on the same date, including The Rosie Project, Sesame Street and Shrek 5.

Q&A Asked about Almythea

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