The Little Mermaid Movie

The Little Mermaid movie poster
The Little Mermaid - movie still

The Little Mermaid movie production status is currently Completed

April 30, 2024 • Awaiting release by distributor; release date not yet announced

Who's Involved:

Jeff Denton, Leigh Scott, Mike Markoff, Lydia Helen

Release Date:

Language, some violence and brief nudity.
Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

Dr. Eric Prince, an archaeologist, makes a dramatic discovery on a small Caribbean island—proof of an ancient, advanced prehistoric society. While his dig is in progress, he meets the mysterious and beautiful Aurora Bey and falls in love. Her arrival coincides with several mermaid sightings and strange disappearances. When Eric’s friend and mentor, Dr. Ashley, arrives on the island, Ashley uncovers the true identity of Aurora and the dangers of the hidden evil inside Eric’s dig site. Will Eric heed his friend’s advice, or will he be blinded by love and the power of the siren, allowing the world to fall to the forces of evil?

Poll: Will you see The Little Mermaid?

Who stars in The Little Mermaid: Cast List



Clowntown, The Toybox  

Who's making The Little Mermaid: Crew List

A look at the The Little Mermaid behind-the-scenes crew and production team. The film's director Leigh Scott last directed The Witches of Oz.


Leigh Scott


Production Companies

Watch The Little Mermaid Trailers & Videos

No trailer available.

Production: What we know about The Little Mermaid?

Filming Timeline

  1. 2024 - April: The film was set to Completed  status.

The Little Mermaid Release Date: When is the film coming out?

The Little Mermaid is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,433 other movies coming out on the same date, including Shrek 5, Justice League 2 and The Rosie Project.

Q&A Asked about The Little Mermaid

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