OceanWorld 3D Movie

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Who's Involved:

Jean-Jacques Mantello, Francois Mantello

Release Date:

Runtime: N/A
Language: English

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Plot: What's the story about?

"OceanWorld 3D" takes moviegoers on an awesome journey that captures the beauty and diversity of the oceans - the source of all life on our planet - and inspires them to protect its fragile ecosystem and inhabitants. Guided by a sea turtle, viewers will enjoy a close-up look at her fascinating world from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and Argentina's Peninsula Valdez to Mexico's Roca Partida Island, home to thousands of sharks. They will witness some of the most unforgettable scenes of life beneath the waves ever captured: the manta ray's enchanting ballet, the noble procession of hammerhead sharks; the lionfish's relentless hunt; dolphins playing algae-soccer; the astonishing beauty of the Spanish dancer sea slug and leafy sea dragon; and an exceptional encounter with the largest cetaceans on the planet. The film is the result of seven years of production, 25 international expeditions and 200 hours of footage shot exclusively in the wild in 3D.

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Who stars in OceanWorld 3D: Cast List

No cast available.

Who's making OceanWorld 3D: Crew List

A look at the OceanWorld 3D behind-the-scenes crew and production team. The film's director Jean-Jacques Mantello last directed Wonders of the Sea 3D.

Production Company


Watch OceanWorld 3D Trailers & Videos

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Production: What we know about OceanWorld 3D?

Filming Timeline

OceanWorld 3D Release Date: When is the film coming out?

OceanWorld 3D is coming out as a release To Be Announced (TBA). There are 9,418 other movies coming out on the same date, including The Rosie Project, Shrek 5 and Sesame Street.

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