Movies Released November 29, 2018

Thursday, November 29

104 mins

Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle PG-13

The story of Mowgli, a boy raised by wolves. He's kidnapped by monkeys and rescued by his animal friends, including Baloo the Bear, Bagheera the panther and Kaa the python.
Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Andy Serkis, Steve Kloves, Jonathan Cavendish, Callie Kloves, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jack Reynor
Action Adventure
88 mins

Meow Wolf: Origin Story

Follows a disenfranchised group of artists, punks and weirdos who create a subversive DIY collective that disrupts the art establishment in Santa Fe and evolves into a cultural phenomenon.
Caity Kennedy, Nicolas Gonda, Morgan Capps, Jilann Spitzmiller, Vince Kadlubek, Benji Geary, Emily Montoya, Sean Di lanni

Thursday, November 29